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Mission Statement
Haempharma (Pty) Ltd strives to be a competitive player in the field on Oncology and Haematology. With a competent and experienced team, we can ensure a smooth process with regards to ordering, distribution and all regulatory requirements of these drugs

With headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa, Haempharma (Pty) Ltd sources and imports the highest quality Haematology and Oncology drugs into the Southern African market.  We source our drugs predominantly from Europe which are FDA and EMEA approved.  These drugs are of the  highest standards, and we also ensure that our prices are highly competitive in the market.  Our drugs are highly specialized, and are often not available at all in the countries.  We want to ensure that the end user and patient, in particular, benefit from these  products.

Our products are under registration in various Sub Saharan African countries, and are available on a name patient basis at this stage.  Haempharma (Pty) Ltd has contracts in place with various distributors, and we are well versed regarding the regulatory requirements in these countries.

Haempharma (Pty) Ltd also has three products under development that we are manufacturing in house.  These will be available on the market within one to two years.

With vast experience, our team is highly qualified to ensure a smooth process and support relating to the importation of these drugs.

Haempharma (Pty) Ltd is also able to assist with clinical trials due to our collaboration with RDDA.